A/P Lim Hua Beng

Member, Board of Management | Member, Services Committee
Member, Board of Management | Member, Services Committee

Mr Lim Hua Beng is an associate professor with the Health and Social Sciences Cluster at Singapore Institute of Technology. He trained as an Occupational Therapist and practised at the Mount Elizabeth Hospital and Tan Tock Seng Hospital. He went on to become an educator, dedicated to grooming and mentoring Singapore’s future generation of occupational therapists at Nanyang Polytechnic and now the Singapore Institute of Technology.

In additional to voluntary work with SPD, Mr Lim is involved in various workgroups and committees with the Allied Health Professions Council, National Council of Social Service and the Ministry of Health. His articles on the developments of occupational therapy as a profession and elderly life engagements have been published in various journals and bulletins. In 2007, Mr Lim was awarded the Tsuyoshi Sato Lectureship Award by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. He also received the Inspiring Occupational Therapist Award from the Singapore Association of Occupational Therapists in 2015 and the Educator Achievement Award from Nanyang Polytechnic in 2017.

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