A team of professional and direct service staff help run the various programmes and services for our clients. These include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, assistive technology specialists, training officers and social workers. The remaining staff provide indirect service such as HR, IT, office admin, finance and fundraising support. SPD’s full-time staff is well augmented by dedicated volunteers with different skills, talents and experiences and who selflessly contributed 9,533 man hours.

In FY2023/2024, SPD’s programmes and services catered to more than 11,300 persons with disabilities, with a staff strength of 449.
Salary Range of SPD Staff
The following table shows the annual salary banding for our top 3 executives for FY2023/2024:
Annual Salary Range
$100,001 - $200,000
$200,001 - $300,000
No. of Executives
*Annual remuneration includes salary, bonus, allowance and employers’ CPF