2 Peng Nguan Street, Singapore, 168955
Gain an overview of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and how it can be used to empower individuals with Complex Communication Needs (CCN) to express their wants, needs and ideas.
Learners will be introduced to the principles of AAC and a range of high tech and low tech AAC systems. Learners will also be guided on the practical application of the AAC systems to assist clients with complex communication needs through the use of case studies. At the end of the course, learners will leave with a customised Communication Board that they can use to practise their newly learnt strategies.
Learning Outcome
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
1. Explain the basic principles of AAC and its application
2. Describe the different types of no tech, low tech and high AAC systems
3. Relate AAC strategies to client intervention
Who this is for
Target audience includes special education teachers, teacher-aides, therapists, caregivers and other professionals working with learners and other individuals with Complex Communication Needs who may need AAC.
The skills and knowledge for this course, which the learner is assumed to possess, are as follows:
* Some basic understanding of disability
* Be able to listen and speak English at a proficiency level equivalent to the Employability Skills System Workplace Literacy (WPL) Level 6
* Be able to read and write English at a proficiency level equivalent to the Employability Skills System Workplace Literacy (WPL) Level 6
* Be able to use numeracy skills equivalent to the Employability Skills System Workplace Numeracy (WPN) Level 6
(1) Ms Sarah Yong
Sarah has an Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) certification from the Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA). She is also Manager, Clinical Services at the Specialised Assistive Technology Centre (Specialised ATC) at SPD. A speech therapist by training, Sarah has worked on implementing Assistive Technology (AT) and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) with a wide range of individuals and client groups. She has presented in numerous local and international conferences and been the lead investigator in several research projects involving AT.
At the international level, Sarah has served on the Executive Board of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication as a Vice President. She is also the recipient of the Bridge School/ ISAAC Teacher in Residence Award. Sarah is passionate about empowering individuals with complex communication needs so that they can find their ‘voice’ and maximise their potential through the use of AAC and AT.
(2) Ms Deborah Yong
Deborah is a Speech Language Therapist and Assistive Technology Professional (ATP). She has practised in Malaysia and Singapore, providing intervention for individuals with speech, language, swallowing, and communication disorders in acute and community settings (hospital, nursing home, school and centre-based). She graduated from Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2014 and obtained her ATP certification from the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) in 2018.
She currently works in the SPD Therapy Hub at the Specialised ATC and specialises in AAC. Deborah supports individuals with complex communication needs and their caregivers, teachers, and/or support personnel on integrating AAC systems into their natural environments to empower them to communicate effectively. She regularly provides AAC/AT related training to professionals (in hospitals/ schools etc) and caregivers. Deborah has recently published a manual entitled ‘AAC for Caregivers’ which complements the ongoing AAC for Caregivers training that is run by the Specialised ATC, SPD. In 2018, she was the winner for the Lightning Pitch competition organized by the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC).
Her further training in speech therapy includes the following: Hanen – More Than Words, DIR®/Floortime, Multi Modal Communication and Learning Strategies for Children who face Significant Challenges, Picture Exchange Communication System – Level 1, Key Word Sign and McNeill Dysphagia Therapy. She is also an Allied Health Professions Council certified clinical supervisor for Speech Therapists under conditional registration.
Click here to register for this course.