APB Singapore’s 80th anniversary commemorative book

Aug 26, 2013
All Day
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August 26, 2013    
All Day

Asia Pacific Breweries (APB) Singapore’s commemorative book, ‘Celebrating 80 years of doing well and doing good” aims to celebrate the company’s history (80 years since its inception in 1932), challenges and successes and above all, the important role that APB Singapore and its brands play in the lives and social history of Singapore. It also marks the company’s penning a new chapter as a HEINEKEN operating company in Asia Pacific.

To support the company’s mission of doing well (as a business) and doing good (for the society), all proceeds from the sale of the commemorative books will be donated to SPD. From now till 30 September 2013, the book is on sale at $25 a copy at the Tiger Brewery at 459 Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim (Mon – Fri, excluding public holidays). Orders can also be placed through e-mail at information@spd.org.sg.

Five specially autographed copies by Mr Jean-François van Boxmeer, Chairman of the Executive Board & CEO of Heineken N.V, Mr Roland Primez, President of Heineken Asia Pacific, and Dr Michael Fam, APB’s Chairman for over 20 years and chief architect for APB’s regionalisation and the relocation of the Singapore brewery to Tuas, are up for a silent auction from $800. The three signatories marked the illustrious past, present and in particularly now, the future of APB Singapore as a Heineken company.

To support this charitable cause through the silent auction, please email your name, contact details and bid amount to corpcomms@apb.com.sg. The auction will close on 30 Sep and the books will go to the top five bidders.

Requests for bulk purchase of the books can also be sent to corpcomms@apb.com.sg.

Additional to the commemorative books, APB Singapore has also pledged an additional S$10,000 to SPD via Football with a Heart (FWAH), an executive football charity fundraiser involving the combined effort of Singapore’s major companies to raise funds for charity. APB Singapore’s support of SPD is an extension of APB Foundation’s long-standing support of and partnership with SPD on the APB Foundation Scholarship for Persons with Disabilities.

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