APB Foundation Scholarship Award ceremony 2013 – Welcome speech by Mr Roland Pirmez

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Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Law and Ministry of Education, Ms Indranee Rajah

Ms Chia Yong Yong, President of SPD
Distinguished guests
Esteemed scholars
Ladies and gentlemen
Good morning.

I am very pleased to be here today to celebrate APB Foundation Scholarship for Persons with Disabilities Award Ceremony. This is the 9th year we are awarding the APB Foundation scholarship for Persons with disabilities. Started in 2004, the APB Foundation Scholarship for Persons with Disabilities has supported a total of 24 scholars and I am very heartened to witness the rise in the caliber of candidates applying for the scholarship year-on-year. This applies particularly in this year, where we decide to award all shortlisted candidates with the scholarship for their academic distinction. To this year’s five scholars, Wei Jian, Hua Han, Jacqueline, Amanda and George – we applaud your sharp minds, your positive attitude, and your determination in every each way. I hope the scholarship will free you from additional financial burdens so that you can focus on doing well in your studies to attain your career goal.

One of APB Foundation’s highest priorities is to plug a gap in Singapore by leveling the playing field for students with disabilities who excel academically. Armed with a good education, we strongly believe the Scholarship becomes a powerful enabler. Our scholarships are bond-free. However, we hope that our scholars will contribute back to the social service sector, in one way or other, just as many of our past-scholars do.

On this note, APB Foundation and I wish all our scholars, be it present or past, our very best wishes. And I want to thank Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Law and Ministry of Education, Ms Indranee Rajah for gracing this event, our partner, Society for the Physically Disabled for partnering us in driving this scholarship for Persons with Disabilities and to everyone here today to witness and celebrate this joyous occasion with us.

Thank you


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